Take advantage of Federal and State incentives and start saving now

Government rebates for clean and efficient energy solutions have aligned for the first time in history (and maybe the last), creating a window of opportunity never seen before.
This means you could get more than 60% of your investment supported by government rebates.
Incentives include:
Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs)
Currently at an all-time high market value, that can be used for:
- LED lighting upgrades
Upgrade old, inefficient lighting, or even old LED lighting, to the latest LED lights with a market leading 5-year warranty for free.
- Solar PV systems over 200kW
Get a percentage discount upfront (depending on the size of your system)^ and/or get the amount paid back to your business as a lump sum cash rebate approximately 12 months post installation.
The Federal Government Stimulus Package
Claim your LED lighting upgrade or solar PV system installation as an instant or accelerated asset tax write off*, reducing your payback period and increasing your return on investment.
The Federal Government’s stimulus package consists of an instant or accelerated asset tax write off to help your company save money during the current, unpredictable environment.
Most businesses with a turnover of up to $5 billion will be able to instantly write-off new assets purchased if installed and operational by 30th June 2023*.
A new 99kW solar PV system paid with cash up front, can reduce your FY20 or FY21 tax payable by up to $30,000*.
Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) and Large-scale Technology Certificates (LGCs) are Federal Government incentives for solar installations under 100kW and over 100kW respectively.
Incentives available depend on the value of the certificates at the time and the value of the certificates depend on market demand.
Every new solar system that gets installed should qualify for either STCs, which businesses get as an upfront discount to subsidise the cost of your solar system, or LGCs.
Energy efficiency is a future-proof way of lowering your business expenses long-term and becoming more sustainable.
If you are ready to install solar or upgrade your lights, you could be eligible to receive some, or all, of these incentives and, as a result, your installation may be free or heavily discounted.
Cherry Energy Solutions are the incentive experts and can provide information around what might be available to you, then include any incentives or rebates (single or bundled) in a proposal as an upfront discount where eligible.
Click here for more information.