Philippa Kelly, Chief Executive Officer, LFRA

Philippa Kelly is the inaugural Chief Executive Officer of the LFRA, a position she commenced more than 13 years ago. Australia’s Large Format Retail sector accounts for a massive $80.7 billion per annum in sales, which equates to more than $1 in every $4 of all retail sales in Australia. The Large Format Retail sector occupies 35% of all retail floor space and employs more than 446,600 people (FTE) both directly and indirectly. The LFRA’s key agenda items include the interface between planning and competition policy as well as energy. The LFRA is in the final preparatory stage of making an application to the Australia Competition & Consumer Commission for approval for a Collective Bargaining Agreement for Energy. Whilst overseeing the enormous growth of the LFRA, Philippa has sat on numerous government stakeholder panels, primarily in the area of urban planning and its’ interface with the retail sector as well as the former Federal Government’s Retail Council of Australia. Philippa represents the LFRA on the Australian Chamber’s Economic & Investment Committee and is an active member of the Business Leaders’ Council. She has an extensive background in retail property, government and business.