Michael Richardson, Realmark

Michael Richardson, Director Retail Sales and Leasing
Michael has been consulting across commercial agencies and listed property trusts for over a decade.
Michael now focuses on retail and hospitality. His mantra is to match parties where each is set up to succeed. Seller and buyer. Owner and occupier. Michael applies his significant energies into research. To think outside the square in uncovering buyers or tenants and inspire them with opportunities that make sense for their businesses.
Michael consistently strives for long-term ‘win-win’ partnerships.
He is a natural communicator and draws on his extensive industry knowledge to work alongside major local and national property owners, developers and commercial tenants.
Michael specialises in the sales and leasing of shopping centres, greenfield feasibilities and delivery, and food and beverage consultancy. He has negotiated deals in every state of Australia for listed property trusts and on behalf of some of Australia’s most iconic retailers. He has worked across prominent developments such as Enex100 and Brookfield Place and on the tenant side, he has represented rollouts for key retailers such as Messina, Zeus Street, Huxtaburger, Royal Stacks, just to name a few. He has a broad range of experience working across various retail classes.