Maximising Energy Efficiency Incentives

Recently, Cherry Energy Solutions, in partnership with the LFRA and SolarEdge, held a webinar on Maximising Government Subsidies and Financial Support for Sustainable Investment.
Ben Wright from Cherry Energy Solutions and Gavan Baker from SolarEdge provided insight into how businesses can maximise energy efficiency incentives, the best way to finance energy efficiency investment, de-risking returns on investment, how to choose a reputable partner and products and information around SolarEdge and its global leading, high quality smart energy solutions.
Energy efficiency is a future-proof way of lowering business expenses long-term.
Incentives covered included:
- The federal government stimulus package – available for energy efficiency investments
- Federal government Large-scale Technology Certificates (LCG’s) & Small-scale Technology Certificates (STC’s) for solar PV systems
- State government Victoria Energy Upgrades (VEU) and Energy Saving Scheme (ESS) for LED lighting upgrades
- Ausgrid’s Power2U program for solar PV systems and LED lighting upgrades
Businesses ready to install solar or upgrade lights to LED could be eligible to receive some, or all, of these incentives. VEU and ESS incentives for LED lighting upgrades could mean installations may be free or heavily discounted! Excitingly, most retail outlets qualify. Incentives and/or rebates can reduce your capital or operational cost and payback periods and increase savings (more money in your pocket) and ROI.
Energy efficiency solutions such as solar and LED, will save your business money over the long term. That’s why it’s important to make sure you get the best products to maximise output and last the lifetime of the warranty. A good starting point will be to find Tier 1 and Clean Energy Council approved products that have been vetted by regulators and are trusted by the industry. Of course, the safety features of the product should be considered as well. Products such as SolarEdge incorporate several safety features such as the SolarEdge SafeDC ™ that deenergises power optimisers and drops the DC voltage output when AC power is shut down?, eliminating the risk of fires associated with high DC voltage.
If businesses don’t have the capital to pay for installing these products, there are a number of different finance options available that can be $0 upfront, allocated as an operation expense and provide cash flow positive solutions from day 1.
Energy efficiency does not have to be difficult but doing your research and going with the right company will save you money, time and effort, not to mention reduce carbon emissions!
The Cherry Energy & Solaredge Webinar, Maximising Government Subsidies & Financial Support for Sustainable Investment can be viewed via this link.