Getting to know Norman Asset Delivery

- As one of the LFRA’s newest Gold Associate Members, who is Norman Asset Delivery and what services do you offer?
We are a boutique asset delivery consultancy with projects and people across Australia with some great relationships in the sector, looking to engage and make a bigger contribution to the LFRA.
- Can you please share with us Norman Asset Delivery’s experience in Large Format Retail?
My first experience in the Large Format Retail sector was as Development Manager for the 70,000 m2 GLA Gepps X Homemaker Centre in South Australia working with LFRA members Axiom Properties Limited, Harvey Norman and Charter Hall. With 50 Large Format Retail tenancies members are well represented.
Since establishing Norman Asset Delivery we have worked on projects in every state and managed asset upgrades and changes.
We are currently project managing Harvey Norman’s new MacGregor Centre in Queensland, Taylors Beach Homemaker Centre in NSW, planning a new centre in Geraldton WA, to name a few.
We bring engineering, architecture, and business analysis expertise to the management of project.
- What projects are Norman Asset Delivery working on and how can LFRA Members collaborate with you?
We get involved in arranging signage to carparks and fitting out for new tenants.
As a dedicated team of 8 we like to work in and with our clients’ crews and collaborate.
We make a point of helping our clients build their own capability and we have found when clients grow they continue to involve us.
We have relatively low overheads as so can deliver value for money.
- Norman Asset Delivery is a part of the LVX Global. Can you tell us a bit about them?
LVX works together with customers to make communities better places for people to live, work and thrive.
As a technology led, end to end engineering solutions and platform business LVX operates in the global smart city/building and Internet of Things (“IoT”) sector.
LVX delivers solutions for customers through its unique end to end model: Solve, Execute and Serve.
Technology is powerful, but its true strength hinges on the people behind it and the understanding of the end user benefit so we work with customers to understand the problems they face and design the solution that creates the successful, sustainable smart places of the future.
We ask you what your important decisions are and design each smart project to capture the data you need. Using a single point of visibility of data across all connected systems we are able to provide a one point of visualisation for various custodians of data and systems, (building owner, tenants, facility managers, service providers, visitors), with the opportunity to have a whole of asset, detailed insight and oversight of the operational status of smart projects.
In summary, LVX builds solutions that are smarter to create real value for your community so, if you face a problem, we will find a solution.
- And finally, what can we expect from Norman Asset Delivery in coming months?
We are growing as a team in NSW, QLD, SA and WA in particular, with larger Large Format Retail projects coming online.
We are also gaining a deeper understanding of what is the future technology will look like in the Large Format Retail sector for upgrading existing and new asset delivery.
We would be interested to talk with people in the industry who would like to collaborate or even join our team.