Getting to know Advantage All Development Group

Advantage All Development Group (Advantage All) is one of the LFRA’s newest Bronze Associate Members and is represented by Managing Director Melissa Fisher and Operational Director Trevor Reynolds and Matt Murphy heading up Corporate Development.
Advantage All is a small group of businesspeople that have a vision for community orientated and progressive developments. Projects undertaken utilise all team members’ individual passions, while incorporating current and future needs, design, and affordability.
The Advantage All team specialises in commercial and industrial development and includes experts with extensive knowledge and experience in business analytics, planning, accounting, legal, engineering, civil works, development, building, marketing, and sales.
Creating sustainable developments and better spaces
Advantage All is motivated to create sustainable developments and better spaces for businesses, and are always asking “how do we do things better?”
It is Advantage All’s belief that by creating “full circle” projects with consideration given to the desires of the end user, the environment, and the community — they will bring people together for a common cause.
Full circle developments start with Advantage All purchasing substandard land and transforming the land into better, more prosperous, and sustainable spaces for businesses and communities.
“We want to create end results with positive and progressive impacts,” said Managing Director Melissa Fisher.
“It is our aim to ensure that all projects respect the environment, adopt a healthy attitude to progression, and are sustainable at all levels.”
Advantage All recognises that there are extensive considerations attached to any new development, particularly environmental responsibilities, yet developers can “respect the land, and still develop well and deliver outstanding opportunities.”
It is integral to the Advantage All team to understand and develop what is fit for the present and the future.
How development can help build better communities
Advantage All Development Group are based in Warragul, 100km East of Melbourne, and believe that the regional mindset towards development has changed over time.
“There are so many opportunities and leverages for Large Format Retailers,” said Ms Fisher.
“More and more people want to stay and work locally.
“That means there is a growing need to provide specialty retail options in convenient locations within the regions.
“Regional retailers are a mix of franchisees and owned businesses and play an important role in supporting and growing the community.”
The Advantage All team have a desire to contribute to society and the property industry by building communities that support small businesses.
Advantage All have a more holistic view of property and work with local businesses to help them own property themselves and achieve financial sustainability.
Small business is important to Ms Fisher and a matter close to her heart having been involved in various small businesses from the age of 21.
“Development is not just about building an end product,” said Ms Fisher.
“Development, and in particular retail development, plays an integral role in boosting local employment and supporting the regions.
“These developments also encourage and support human interaction and enterprise.
“Through considered and sustainable development, we seek to help businesses scale, and support their growth.”
Coaching and mentoring young people in property
Currently Ms Fisher mentors and coaches people in real estate strategies and personal development.
“I have mentored people from their early 20s to their mid-60s,” confirmed Ms Fisher.
With 27 years of business experience Ms Fisher has a solid understanding of what is possible and what challenges may arise.
Ms Fisher believes that it is important to welcome the new generation to the industry and to understand how they view development and how to improve the perception of the property industry.
“Evolution should be embraced,” said Ms Fisher.
“It is always easier to do what was, but there is a need to bring in enthusiasm, innovation, and youth.
“Collaboration is important, particularly at a time where there are more generations in the workforce than ever.”