Ethos Urban keeps ahead of strategic planning changes with new data-driven platform

Ethos Urban has launched Ethos InSite – a data-driven platform which provides subscribers with real time updates about the latest planning policy changes; connecting them with our industry experts for advice on the potential impact.
With rapid planning change occurring across the Australian market, the challenge is to maintain an awareness of this change – and an appreciation of what it means for subscribers portfolio of assets.
Emerging from this change will be both opportunities and threats. These policy changes can have a significant impact on property values due to changes in permitted land use, development controls or other restrictions.
Ethos InSite provides a watching brief of these key strategic planning changes. Whether subscribers manage a handful of properties or a national portfolio, effectively and efficiently responding to planning issues is a challenge. Establishing an efficient way to identify planning policy changes and providing timely and reliable advice is a key aspect of the service provided.
The service ensures subscribers have the latest information about these important changes as they are proposed to ensure they are proactively informed of the potential impact to their sites. Ethos Urban experts will work closely with clients to ensure they are kept informed of pertinent policy changes so they can move quickly and confidently to protect existing or potential value.
Ethos Insite currently monitors a range of sites nationally and the service can be tailored for your needs. Site owners, developers and portfolio managers can register their sites to receive email updates about changes to state and local government policies.
To be eligible for three months of complimentary access, please visit